雷鬼頭引發種族歧視批評 林書豪高 EQ 回應


不料,卻引來非裔美籍的退役球員 Kenyon Martin 砲火。Martin 在他的 Instagram 影片中表達對於林書豪新髮型的不滿。

“Do I need to remind this damn boy that his last name Lin?
Like, come on man. Let’s stop this, man, with these people, man. There is no way possible that he would have made it on one of our teams with that bulls–t goin’ on on his head. Come on man, somebody need to tell him, like: ‘All right bro, we get it. You wanna be black.’ Like, we get it. But the last name is Lin.”

這段話沒有提到林書豪的髮型「辮子頭」”dreadlocks”,也可以簡稱為 “dreads”。”locks” 除了可以當「鎖」,也是「頭髮」的意思。德國牙買加裔網球選手 Dustin Brown 也有一頭招牌雷鬼髮型,因此得到綽號「辮子哥」”Dreddy”。




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“Lin responded to Martin in a comment posted to the video, taking the highest of roads while reminding Martin that he has Chinese characters tattooed on his arm.”
「林書豪在影片下留言,以德報怨地提醒 Martin 手臂上的中文刺青」

“take high roads” 字面上是「走上面的路」,其實是「以德報怨」的意思,表示不跟對方計較,這裡還用最高級 “highest”,來表示用以德報怨的最佳方式來回應。口語上也有人用 “kill (someone) with kindness”「用善意來反擊」來表示「以德報怨」。


“Hey man, it’s all good. You definitely don’t have to like my hair and [are] definitely entitled to your opinion. Actually I [am] legit grateful [for] you sharin it [to be honest]. At the end of the day, I appreciate that I have dreads and you have Chinese tattoos [because] I think its a sign of respect.”

“entitle” 在這裡是「授與權利」,這個字也有「為…下標題」之意。”at the end of the day” 雖然字面上是「在一天的最後」,意思是「總而言之」、「無論如何」。

Martin 左臂上的中文刺青上面寫的是「患得患失」。(黑人問號)


“And I think as minorities, the more that we appreciate each other’s cultures, the more we influence mainstream society. Thanks for everything you did for the Nets and hoops . . . had your poster up on my wall growin up.”

“minority”「少數」,和後面的 “mainstream”「主流」相呼應,相反詞還有 “majority”「多數」。”hoops” 是「框」,籃球中是指「籃框」,這裡當成「籃壇」的代名詞,等於 “basketball”。

在熱身賽賽後,林書豪向記者表示他並不覺得被冒犯,尊重 Martin 的意見,希望自己的回應能讓 Martin 有不同的觀點。