認真?讓Blake Griffin打控衛?

自由市場正式開市前,交易流言滿天飛的同時,快艇隊的討論度絕對不低,但除了Chris Paul與Blake Griffin的去留,乃至於將DeAndre Jordan推上交易談判桌之外,筆者發現了一篇論點有趣的文章,在此逐段探討該篇文章所談論的一項大膽的思維:

  「認真,讓Blake Griffin成為控衛。」

   作者Joanthan Tjarks首先從BG的生涯談起,包含了近期的傷勢如何使他難以伸展拳腳,接著強調:「Blake Griffin跟Chris Paul的搭配已經過時了(His partnership with Chris Paul has gone stale.)」接著他便闡述了該文的主旨:


「With both players entering unrestricted free agency this summer, the Lob City era might be coming to end. Regardless of whether or not Griffin returns to the Clippers, something has to change for him to live up to his considerable promise. Whatever team signs him should look to James Harden’s career for inspiration: Make Griffin the full-time point guard and let him play with the ball in his hands the entire game.(隨著兩位在今夏成為自由球員,空拋之城的時代或將終結。不論BG是否會回到快艇,為了實踐他的承諾,他必須要做出一些改變;不論是哪支球隊將他簽下,都應該看看James Harden,並從中理解:讓BG成為控球後衛,讓他整場比賽都拿著球。)」


  他在下一段用表格簡略分析了James Harden近兩年的比賽的進攻端的持球與觸球狀況:


 Average Time of Possession:每次觸球時間
 Passes Made:傳球次數
 Passes Received:接獲傳球次數

  「Harden isn’t the only nontraditional point guard who has thrived as his team’s lead ball handler. After starting his career as a small forward, Giannis Antetokounmpo became one of the best players in the NBA when the Bucks gave him full control of the offense. Harden and Giannis don’t need anyone else setting them up. They are at their best when they are creators rather than finishers; the threat of their offense opens up the game for everyone else.(Harden不是唯一一個非傳統控衛。生涯之初主打小前鋒的Giannis Antetokounmpo在球隊放手讓他主司進攻後變成了聯盟頂尖的一員,他們不需要人們給他下指令,比起終結者的角色,當他們扮演起創造者的角色時,他們才是最棒的,而他們本身的進攻威脅替隊友開啟了比賽的新局)」

  文章到這裡時才讓筆者提起興趣,因為雖然James Harden的改變很大一部分受惠於Mike D’Antoni的戰術體系,但仍然有一半的成功要算在Harden有那樣的意願與慧根去配合教練做出改變,同時,想辦法讓效果從紙上談兵變得活靈活現,而從16-17賽季的表現來說,James Harden做得相當出色。

  至於作者提到的Giannis Antetokounmpo,算是作者為了鞏固自己的論點吧?畢竟,James Harden是一位後場球員,但是把Giannis Antetokounmpo放在一起談時,關於BG扛控衛的想像,似乎越來越有畫面了?當然,公鹿的確以Giannis Antetokounmpo為首要的進攻箭頭,並且在副手的人選上盡可能招募足以分擔防守端的工作量,同時或多或少協助分擔Giannis的組織,這也是為什麼去年暑假公鹿網羅了Matthew Dellavedova的原因(成效不如預期那又是另外一回事了)。