
這幾天,林書豪的髮型再次成了輿論焦點,他也在球員論壇(The Players’ Tribune)上寫了篇文章,闡述自己的觀點。

原文:So…About My Hair


昨天,前籃網選秀狀元 Kenyon Martin,在其社群媒體上發表了一篇令人遺憾的留言,疑似扯到種族歧視:

“Do I need to remind this damn boy that his last name Lin?”

“Like, come on man. Let’s stop this, man, with these people, man. There is no way possible that he would have made it on one of our teams with that bulls— goin’ on on his head. Come on man, somebody need to tell him, like, ‘All right bro, we get it. You wanna be black.’ Like, we get it. But the last name is Lin.”



林書豪的辮髮,出發點是善意,可惜惹來一身腥,不過向來 IQ 與 EQ 兼具的林書豪不卑不亢地回應道:


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“Hey man, it’s all good. You definitely don’t have to like my hair and [are] definitely entitled to your opinion.”

“Actually I [am] legit grateful [for] you sharin it [to be honest]. At the end of the day, I appreciate that I have dreads and you have Chinese tattoos [because] I think its a sign of respect. And I think as minorities, the more that we appreciate each other’s cultures, the more we influence mainstream society. Thanks for everything you did for the Nets and hoops … had your poster up on my wall growin up.”

嗨,老兄,你完全可以不喜歡我的頭髮,你有權發表你的看法。事實上,我感激你跟我實話實說。到頭來,我欣賞自己的黑人辮,你欣賞你的中文紋身(Kenyon Martin在自己身上刺有中文紋身:患得患失),我認為這是尊重的記號。且我認為身為少數族群,更多地欣賞彼此的文化,愈能夠影響主流社會。謝謝你過去為籃網和籃球所做的一切…你的海報曾貼在我的牆上伴我成長。

大部分的網友們紛紛覺得 Kenyon Martin 的留言並不恰當,反而林書豪的發言贏得了風度。

Proper way to deal with racism.


Lin’s response is really great.


之後,Kenyon Martin 發表了他的第二篇留言,強調他不是在扯種族問題,並適度地澄清他的說法,但也堅持自己的觀點。

“That man grown, that man can rock whatever hairstyle he want to rock.”

“… That don’t mean I have to like it or agree with it.”




We need more empathy, more compassion and less judgment. That takes actual work and communication. So let’s start now.”
